BAD! VERY BAD!!! I had my HCL composition today and I didn't complete the last part! I was doing it carefully and slowly and did not keep watch of the time until my teacher, Mrs Kwek, said, "Okay girls, you have slightly less then 1 minute left." I panicked. I quickly jotted down wateva that came into my mind and did not use many good phrases!! Soon, Mrs Kwek said pens down and I didn't finish my paper! And obviously, I didn't check it! EEKKS! I think i will do badly for my higher chinese as you know...chinese is my worst subject and it's the hardest for me. I hate Chinese the most although lessons are rather interesting as my chinese teacher cracks jokes for us. OOH! I just overheard that my sisters were saying that my aunt, form maternal side,is coming down to Singapore today! YAY! She actually works overseas. (I call her See Ee) She always gives me n my sisters clothes. haha. the good thing is that I dont needa spend money buying clothes and accessories! hehe. anyway i hardly go out shopping as my weekends are very packed...tuition, church, blablabla. SHE IS BACK! hehehehhe! While typing, i suddenly heard the door bell. must be her, i thought. lol. okay i better go now. I have not done my school hw yet! just wanna play play for a while only. hehes. BYE EVERYONE! *sorry that this is a long entry. hope this is not a boring entry! nobody likes to read extremely long entries, do you? :P
Look at these crazy photos of me and my siblings!! I was using my cousin's apple computer when she came to have tuition with my sis. we took pictures of ourselves doing all sorts of nonsense. HAHA.
Hellooo all! I AM SO HAPPY! Do you know why? Cos' there is HFMD going on right? In my class, there were some people who had ulcers in their mouth and they had to go home immediately for a checkup to see if it is HFMD. Fortunately, all of my friends are okay! YAY! However, my friend, Elizabeth is highly suspected and would only know the results if she really has HFMD on Sunday. So sad....Hope she is alright! (:
Today is also PSLE Listening Compre. Hope my P6 friends do well! Good thing we have a holiday! I have not finished my tuition homework! haha. naughty naughty me!
P.S. To all my 5 Hu friends...Do pray for Elizabeth!
Hello everyone! This is my FIRST entry for this blog. Sorry if it is rather boring as i am a newbie! Wondering why i created a blog? Cos' I have finished writing on every single page of my personal diary! hahaha! But to be honest, I think I prefer writing in a personal diary than on a blog. Cos if I write on a blog, everyone will know my feelings and stuff. So maybe I will have another diary and also a blog?? Dunno... By the way, the oral exam is coming up soon in week 3 and I am extremely scared, especially for my chinese. Chinese is my worst subject but i am fine learning it. hehe. Anyways, have fun reading and link me! Thanks for reading! I gtg now...tata! (: