School has officially ended on Friday, but i'll still be seeing my friends on Thursday, 26 November when i collect my results. However, looking at my title, i'm not sure if it's the end of PL for me. As if i do well, i won't return to PL but if i don't do well, i wil go back.
Btw, I have
BOLD my words to let readers chose what they wanna read since my posts are always so long. HAHA. Those in
others colours is a letter to Bloggers.
That reminds me! I had a
DREAM OF PSLE RESULTS. i dreamt that Yi Ting had 2nd in Singapore for Math! Gosh. And then everyone went WOW..WAH. ahhaha. I can't really recall who was 1st, 2nd and 3rd..sorry ahha.
Well, since only my friends read my blog, i shan't talk about what happened in school since everybody says the same thing on their blogs and they will be reading the same thing AGAIN.
Oh yeah. Guess what? I got Distinction for
NEW SOUTH WALES MATH! YIPEEEEE. I scored 34/40, which is one more mark away from High Distinction! :( I am top 4% in Singapore, and that's a REAL achievement. But still, I am very proud of myself as i have never done so well in my whole primary school years. Even my family's proud of me. :D
My mum just signed me up for a
MATH TUITION with ms Lee, Rebecca's and Sophie's (my cousin) tutor. My mum says if I don't do well in PSLE, it's okay, just do well in Seconday. Just now during lunch, my mum and Joanne jiejie said that I may not fit into the Cedar environment. Not sure why, but she says I will fit into the MGS environment. My dad feels that i should go to a mission school as the school not only teaches good values, there are christian friends too who will influence me. (: Apparently, my parents don't mind me going to Cedar although it is not a Mission school as many PL girls go to Cedar. YAY!!
I went shopping with my family last night! It was okay, but i didn't buy anything. Sigh...everytime i go shopping, i wouldn't bring back anything but my sister's clothes. How sad and boring. Plus, they will pass their unwanted clothes to me! Now my closet is filled with their old clothes. YUCK.
I've got a
NEW HOBBY! it's collecting postcards!! It's quite interesting, and some are fancy while others are cute. I've collected about 10 so far, and i'm looking forward to increase the number!! (:
Oh ya. I did this sorta likea contacts of my friends and many of their
AMBITINOS ARE TO BE LAWYERS! :0 Some examples are Yi Ting, Pearlyn, Shi Li and Jiahui. I'm quite surprised as I thought most of them wold like to be doctors. well, i want to be a lawyer too. My mum inspired me too one day, as she said I talk well and sometimes make people speechless. Plus, i'm a debator. :D
If you ask me
why I wanna be a lawyer, i would say: i would like to make a difference to the world and bring justice.
Err...i'm at a short of words. ahhahahaa!! :P:P:P:P
Okay, but if you ask me
why i wanna be a vet, I would say: I'm an animal lover and would like to cure the sick animals, such that they would be healthy again. I want to stop animal cruelty/abuse too, as when so, more animals will reproduce and thus there will be many breeds of animals, and probably there would not be anymore endangered animals! :D
WOW. so...this explains why i wanna be a vet?? I wasn't really sure myself but now i know. (:
THANKS TO THOSE WHO SPEND TIME READING MY EVER-LOOONG POSTS. I always have something to say. ahahha.
It's rather early to have a lesson learnt, but i would say that in church on saturday, i learnt about the
POWER OF WORDS. Words can solve and create problems and words can decide your future.
LESSON LEARNT: We should be careful with what we say, as words can impact people. At the same time, i should be careful with what i say to my sis as although she annoys me sometimes, i gotta keep my mouth shut from vulgarities and expletives.