Monday, November 22, 2010

i miss childhood games. ):

yesterday i went botanical gardens with my church friends.
it was SO FUN.
i was playing catching/freeze and melt with the younger kids from my church.
me and some other of my friends helped them "climb" some tree too. but they were just clinging on to the vine ahhaha.

below are some pics. enjoy! :D

we were bored so my sister started to do stupid actions and we had to follow her. haha. :D
how funneh.

nice right? it's my friend's camera and it does like some bird's eye view effect.

this pic makes my legs look long.

although it's unglam but i still like it hahaha.

this is one of my best days of the hols.
playing with the small kids made me get blisters.
but oh well.
i guess they were worth it. :D
love, adeline.

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